Publications & Journals
Network service orchestration standardization: A technology survey
Rotsos, C., King, D., Farshad, A., Bird, J., Fawcett, L., Georgalas, N., Gunkel, M., Shiomoto, K., Wang, A., Mauthe, A. U., Race, N. J. P., & Hutchison, D. (2017). Network service orchestration standardization: a technology survey. Computer Standards and Interfaces, 54(4), 203-215
Lancaster University
Network services underpin operator revenues, and value-added services provide income beyond core (voice and data) infrastructure capability. Today, operators face multiple challenges: a need to innovate and offer a wider choice of value-added services, whilst increasing network scale, bandwidth and flexibility. They must also reduce operational costs, and deploy services far faster - in minutes rather than days or weeks.
In the recent years, the network community, motivated by the aforementioned challenges, has developed production network architectures and seeded technologies, like Software Defined Networking, Application-based Network Operations and Network Function Virtualization. These technologies enhance the highly desired properties for elasticity, agility and cost-effectiveness in the operator environment. A key requirement to fully exploit the benefits of these new architectures and technologies is a fundamental shift in management and control of resources, and the ability to orchestrate the network infrastructure: coordinate the instantiation of high-level network services across different technological domains and automate service deployment and re-optimization.
This paper surveys existing standardization efforts for the orchestration - automation, coordination, and management - of complex set of network and function resources (both physical and virtual), and highlights the various enabling technologies, strengths
and weaknesses, adoption challenges for operators, and areas where further research is required.